Use "misjudge|misjudged|misjudges|misjudging" in a sentence

1. Did we misjudge the profiles?

2. And suppose you misjudge the occasion?

3. Quantities are easily misjudged.

4. I guess you misjudged me.

5. I think you've misjudged her.

6. Ian felt a pang of conscience at having misjudged her.

7. She now realizes that she misjudged him.

8. Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

9. I'm sorry I misjudged you/your motives.

10. The pilot misjudged the approach and lost control.

11. Of course it was Clodhopping, clumsy, horribly misjudged

12. The government misjudged the mood of the electorate.

13. What a very kind thing to do; I've been misjudging him all these years.

14. Am I inclined to have deep emotions that I could misjudge?’

15. Maybe we did misjudge the scamp about not being a soldier.

16. I misjudged the speed of the car coming towards me.

17. Perhaps I had misjudged him, and he was not so predictable after all.

18. If he offered his help, she might misjudge him, and scream because of being scared.

19. You owe him an apology for misjudging him and suspecting his motives at every turn.

20. 23 As it happens, I misjudged Kip and his whereabouts.

21. It's easy to misjudge the speed of a car heading toward you.

22. If they really count on the Taiwanese people, they must not misjudge the situation.

23. 26 Ian felt a pang of conscience at having misjudged her.

24. 23 You owe him an apology for misjudging him and suspecting his motives at every turn.

25. Well, it appears to me I misjudged you too, Pop.

26. I misjudged how wide the stream was and fell in.

27. I thought he wasn't going to support me, but I misjudged him.

28. I misjudged the distance to the turnstile and slammed into it.

29. Therefore, those who misjudge China's position in world politics will not have a correct international strategy.

30. To see China's holdings as a threat is to misjudge the goals of the Chinese government.

31. Antonyms for Assimilating include misconstruing, misapprehending, misunderstanding, miscomprehending, misconceiving, misinterpreting, misjudging, misreading, mistaking and getting the wrong idea about

32. Jumping is the right idea..... but he's misjudged the height of the grass.

33. Why, before the war , were the conditions in Iraq after It'so catastrophically misjudged?

34. The cricoid cartilage may be misjudged as a tumor in the thyroid gland.

35. The government misjudged the mood of the country when it decided to call an election.

36. 16 In a lull, she drifted up to see to the babies, but misjudged mounting the stair.

37. He had misjudged the situation, and if he had added to his problems, it was his own fault.

38. Synonyms for Blundered include erred, miscalculated, boobed, bungled, misjudged, fouled up, goofed, slipped up, flubbed and fluffed

39. In a lull, she drifted up to see to the babies,[] but misjudged mounting the stair.

40. It is difficult to understand how they could have misjudged the mood of the workforce so badly.

41. Anachronistic: adjective antiquated , behind the times, ill-advised , ill-judged , ill-timed , incongruous , misjudged , obsolete , outdated , outmoded , previous

42. He had misjudged the audience, which, sitting rapt in Steve Jobs's hands greeted this comment with boos and hisses.

43. For the second time Daley had misjudged the voter appeal of a seemingly bland, stolid, young lawyer named Richard Ogilvie.

44. The heat and burning sunlight of daytime are easily misjudged when leaving a hut in the middle of a starry night.

45. The giant Finn's diving header on 25 minutes came after goalkeeping debutant Massimo Taibi had totally misjudged Jamie Redknapp's deep free-kick.

46. Skeptic after skeptic made the mistake of underrating Steve Jobs, and Mr. Isaacson records the howlers who misjudged an unrivaled career.

47. High falootin Aloofin' Has got you in it's ways And I can't let ya misjudge me that way Not that I care whatcha think of me But I hear every word that you say And I can't let ya misjudge me that way Sticks and stones may break my bones, but I can't take the blame You can find yourself a new scapegoat, but I ain't gonna play no game

48. A wrongful detention or a false imprisonment and a misjudged criminal case often have something to do with each other, but indeed they are quite different in concepts.

49. Moir, or her editors, or both, misjudged the speed and breadth of the real-time web and social media in their power to highlight and pressurise at speed and with force.